Sunday, February 20, 2011


In the beginning life can seem like such an effort. That is why it is such a joy when you start to realize that all you do is helped by this energy. When you spend time thinking about it and then listening for the response, life becomes a joy. I will not lie; it is an effort and takes time, like planting a garden. You start from seeds and then have to water, weed, and wait. Once you get on your way though, life and the responses you get in return, become effortless. The fear you have over things not going quite right starts to dissipate because you start to understand that if you’re helped, nothing can stop that energy.

I wanted to have a last minute dinner party today, so I called my brothers, but I was fretting over what to serve. I took my mind off it to pour a cup of coffee and it came to me, Mexican chicken. I have all the ingredients for that and all the side dishes! I was happy to know that I was guided to the right answer and did not have to go to the store, what a delight! The payoff for the effort is worth the work. To know you're serving the common energy of the world, living in harmony, is the best effort any of us can make in this lifetime!

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